We are available to travel to your home for sessions with our massage table or mobile gym as needed or preferred. Travel time is charged.  Contact us for a quote for your in⁠-⁠home sessions.


Remote consultations are available via Zoom or another service for health discussions, check-ins, and physical strength instruction. Contact us today to schedule your online, remote consultation.


We bring our unique health and fitness coaching view to our 1:1 clients and now offer the same insight to corporate clients. Contact us to improve your employees’ health and wellness.

Body Work

We use several highly effective body-work modalities to improve joint alignment and posture, tissue flexibility and mobility, and muscle activation. We want you to feel comfortable, relaxed, and safe in your body and so activated that your body begs you to move and exercise!


Muscle Activation Techniques

MAT is the foundation of our assessment and treatment protocol. It offers a series of “checks and balances” that ensure that increases in range of motion are appropriately strong, stable, and thus safe. Practitioners utilize a range of motion assessments, targeted muscle tests, and manual palpations, improving the brain’s ability to contract the muscles on demand.


Trigger Point Release

Clinically, trigger points are described as discrete, focal, hyper-irritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle. They produce pain locally and in a referred pattern. In lay terms, part of the muscle cramps and causes discomfort until released. The muscles cannot lengthen or shorten properly until they are addressed. Brian Hannah learned Trigger Point therapy from Doug Nelson and his colleagues at PNMT MidWest in Chicago, IL. He uses trigger point therapy as needed to alleviate negative sensations and, in conjunction with MAT, to improve the overall stability of the affected area. Clients report that the area feels “looser” and that negative sensations such as tightness, tingling, and pain are often no longer there.


Fascial Release

The skin and fascia can develop tension, which can be a sneaky root cause of dysfunction or symptoms by limiting range of motion and appropriate tissue flow, including skin, fat, fascia, nerves, blood vessels, and the lymphatic system. We use a combination of manual techniques and instruments to restore normal tension and flow, often leading to profound changes in flexibility, strength, and flexibility and feeling deeply safe and free.



Brian Hannah attended several courses taught by Dr. Joshua Margolis, LAc, DAOM, and DOMPT, and utilized the techniques as needed to assist in his goal of improving his body’s range of motion, strength, and function. These techniques are safe and effective and do not require a medical license to perform. To be clear, Brian is not a licensed Osteopath.

Strength Training

Together, we’ll explore and identify your flexibility and strength limitations and I’ll teach you how to address them on your own as well. Wake up feeling healthy and powerful. Have an impossible amount of energy. Experience the joy of exercise freedom.

That’s THRIVE!


Personal Strength Coaching

We help you identify your goals in detail. We revisit them as needed to keep you focused. Then we take you through a thorough physical assessment. Each session we revisit, progress and explore new exercises to provide a safe, highly effective and invigorating workout. Ultimately, we want you to develop the confidence to effectively workout on your own while we take you through more challenging exercises and help you deepen your knowledge.

Interviews & Seminars

We have over 20 years of customized bodywork and strength training experience and would love to share our knowledge with your viewers, listeners, or group. We are available for interviews, podcasts, and seminars.


Podcasts & Interviews

We are available for podcasts or other types of interviews to discuss popular health topics of the day or give advice, tips, and tricks on bodywork or strength techniques. Contact us to schedule an interview.



We are available for group meetings or seminars regarding health topics. We are happy to discuss topic options before your meeting or seminar. Contact us regarding topics and scheduling.

Are you ready to begin your health journey? Let's do this.

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